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Upper body workout (middle back, biceps, lats): bent over dumbbell row

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This exercise targets: middle back, biceps, lats For this exercise, you will need: two dumbbells Bend over so your back is almost parallel to the floor. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and bend your knees slightly. Hold your dumbbells at arm’s length with an overhand grip — a little wider than shoulder width. Pull the dumbbells straight up to the level of your chest. At this point, your elbows are forming a 90 degree angle. Slowly lower the dumbbells back to your starting position. Tips: Be careful not to swing your upper body while pulling the dumbbells up. This exercise can be dangerous if it’s not done correctly or with weights that are too heavy. Hold your head up and arch your back slightly inward. Your knees should be slightly bent and you are bent over throughout the exercise. Your entire body is in a stable position — only your arms should be working. Exhale as you pull the weight up, and inhale as you return to the starting position. This exercise can be performed with a barbell too. Beginners: 10 repetitions Intermediate level: 15 repetitions Advanced level: 20 repetitions

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