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30 DAYS SQUAT CHALLENGE : Cool Down Exercises

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Cooling down after exercise is as important as your workout. A proper cool down is absolutely important and can benefit your body in many ways. These benefits are not very well understood by most people. These extra minutes that we spend cooling down our body after a vigorous workout can make a world of a difference to out body in the long run.Never stop your workout suddenly after vigorous exercise. This can make you feel dizzy and light headed. Cooling down properly after a workout helps to keep the heart rate okay and it also helps from rapid drop of your blood pressure. It actually helps the body to come back to a state of rest smoothly. The body gets a chance to relax. When you do a vigorous exercise, the legs tend to expand. The blood torushes towards your lower extremities. And if the body does not get a chance to cool down properly, then the blood tends to pool in the legs. Hence it is very important to follow a proper and systematic cooling down procedure after your work out. Quads stretch: (20 seconds each side) Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Fold your right foot behind you with your right hand. This is meant to stretch the quadriceps. Repeat on the other side. Hamstring stretch (20 seconds each side): Take the right foot to the side while keeping the left leg bent. Bend down towards the right leg and touch the toes with your right hand. While the left palm rests on the right knee. Repeat this on the other side. This will help you stretch the hamstrings. Glutes stretch (20 second each side): Take a long step forward with your right leg and bend down slightly, place your palms on your right knee. Your left leg is straight. Feel your glutes stretch. Repeat on the other side. Calf stretch (20 seconds each side): Cross your legs. Slowly bend down and hold for five seconds. Repeat on the other side. For more videos subscribe to StylecrazeTV Videos:- Stylecraze Yoga Videos :- Stylecraze Beauty Videos :-

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