Chapter seven discusses Infant CPR and Choking. This is the first lesson in chapter seven, Introduction to Infant CPR. CPR for infants is almost identical to CPR for children. Ensuring scene safety is important when giving CPR to an infant. “CPR for infants is almost identical to CPR for children. Infants more often have a breathing problem than an actual heart problem. It is important to begin CPR immediately and perform five sets of CPR before going to get additional help. One set of CPR consists of 30 compressions and two breaths. If the infant is unresponsive and not breathing or only gasping for air, perform CPR. An infant that does nothing when you tap or talk loudly is considered unresponsive. In the case of unresponsiveness, CPR needs to be performed. When giving CPR to an infant, make sure the scene is safe. Shake the infant’s shoulders to determine if they’re unresponsive. Yell for help. If a second rescuer is available to help, have them call 911 and get an AED. When the second rescuer returns, have them follow the AED prompts, apply the AED pads, and help with CPR. Check the infant’s breathing. If not responding and not breathing or only gasping, then give five sets of 30 compressions and two breaths. Call 911 if the second rescuer has not already done so. Resume CPR and give compressions and breaths.” Need certified or rectified in CPR, visit ************************************** Follow us on social media! Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Pinterest: LinkedIn: Website: To find out more about the Save a Life Initiative and the Disque foundation please visit our site or email us at [email protected] Together, let’s save lives.