A breastfeeding diet is much the same as during pregnancy, with a few differences. It’s important to have a variety of foods to make sure that your baby is getting all the vitamins and nutrients they need to grow. A well-rounded diet that includes nutrient-rich foods, such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains and lean proteins, supplies the building blocks needed for good milk production. A good diet also helps to replace and build up any stores that may be depleted. [Transcript] [Graphic: Baptist Health South Florida logo, Breastfeeding Maintaining a Nutritious Diet, gentle music] [Natalie Castro, Chief Wellness Dietitian at Baptist Health South Florida] When you’re breastfeeding, you also want to make sure that you’re following a very healthy diet, [Graphic: Your baby is still eating what you eat…] because even though you’ll no longer have the baby inside of you, you are putting nutrients in the milk that you’re providing the baby. [Natalie Castro, Chief Wellness Dietitian] A lot of parents complain about babies having colic or having diarrhea. So, everything that the baby is getting through the breastmilk is actually affected from the mother’s diet. [Graphic: A balanced diet is still important] [Natalie Castro, Chief Wellness Dietitian] Eating a very balanced diet, high in fruits and vegetables, low in the processed foods and the fried foods, [Graphic: Get your proteins, Get your vitamins and minerals, Plenty of high fiber] making sure you’re getting your proteins, making sure you’re getting your vitamins and minerals from those fruits and vegetables, high fiber. [Graphic: Antioxidants transmit through breastmilk] [Natalie Castro, Chief Wellness Dietitian] All of those things are very important when you’re breastfeeding, so that you can increase the nutrient content in the breastmilk. All the antioxidants that the mother is eating through the healthy diet, is actually transmitting through the breastmilk. So, you’re providing the baby with the most nutrients and those antioxidants and flavonoids that will help prevent any diseases or keep that immune system very healthy. [Picture: Baby, Graphic: For more information, Baptisthealth.net] [Graphic: Connect BaptistHealthSF, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, Gentle music]