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TUBERCULOSIS Signs and Symptoms

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Hey everyone, Aqila here! In this video I will talk about 5 Common Signs of Tuberculosis. Tuberculosis is a potentially serious infectious disease that mainly affects your lungs but can be found in any other body organ. It is caused by a germ called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The germs are present in the sputum coughed up by those that have TB of the lungs. The germs usually destroy the soft tissue of the lungs and this causes cavities holes in the lungs resulting in difficulty with breathing and blood can be coughed up. And here are 5 Common Signs of Tuberculosis; 1. A persistent Cough. 2. Coughing Up Blood. 3. Chest Pain. 4. Feeling Tired. 5. Night Sweats. Well, If you experience any of the following 5 Common Signs of tuberculosis that I mentioned above you should not ignore it. It’s important to tell your health care provider to have them checked by your doctor. So you can seek immediate treatment. Thank you for watching “5 Common Signs of Tuberculosis.” Natural Cure. Signature from Nature. Subscribe to get new update notification here; Your Healthy Lifestyle Today is The Best Investment for Your Future. #NaturalCure Disclaimer: This video is for informative purposes only and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice. This video is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, but simply to provide information about the diseases. If you develop the symptoms described above you must see a doctor to identify the disease and indicate the correct treatment. #TuberculosisSymptoms #TuberculosisSigns #SymptomsofTuberculosis

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