When evaluating a man’s fertility, a semen analysis is vital to determine basic male fertility factors. A semen analysis is done by collecting semen in a cup and evaluating the semen for: • How much semen is produced? • What is the PH level of the semen? • How thick is the composition of the semen? • What color is the semen? • How long does the semen take to liquefy? After analyzing the semen itself, it is important to then analyze the sperm’s characteristics. 50 million/mL sperm in each ejaculation is considered average. Anything below 20 million is considered low. Once the number of sperm is determined, the sperm’s mobility is then analyzed along with its physical characteristics. These characteristics ultimately determine abnormal sperm count. Based on Strict Kruger Morphology, 96% of abnormal sperm is considered acceptable; as long as 4% is normal it should be able to properly fertilize an egg. It is important to analyze these factors in order to determine a man’s fertility and discuss different options with a doctor to choose the best fertility option for you and your partner.