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BioDomino: The human digestive system in 6,300 dominoes

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  • Post comments:0 Comments – 6,300 dominoes demonstrate a biological topic: the human digestive system. A domino line leads to a burger and some chips to be eaten and then goes through mouth, stomach, liver, pancreas, small and large intestine and ends where every meal ends in our digestive system. 🙂 Annually, my former grammar school, Dientzenhofer-Gymnasium Bamberg, organises an information evening for potential new pupils. This is already my third domino project on such an evening. It took 9 hours to set everything up and the toppling time was 53 seconds. Take a look at the projects from former information evenings at Dientzenhofer-Gymnasium (DG): 2011: The periodic table of the elements (chemistry) – 2010: Continuous and saltatory conduction (biology) – And of course don’t forget the official Guinness World Record set up at DG:

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