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DAY 25: BENT OVER ROW Hi Folks welcome to Day 25, we are closing in on February fast. In this video we look at a great mid-upper back exercise that primarily works your Rhomboids, lats (Latissimus dorsi) and traps (Trapezius). It also works to a lesser extent your rear shoulder (deltoids), biceps and hamstrings in the upper rear part of your leg. EXECUTION: 1. Squat down and pick up your weights with your palms facing each other, your arms hanging down straight, your body parallel to the floor and your back arched rather than rounded (neutral spine position) 2. Straighten your legs until there is just a slight bend at the knee but keep your body parallel to the floor with a neutral spine 3. Bend your arms and lift the weights as high as you can: you can either lift them straight towards your shoulders, towards your hips or in the middle of these positions to achieve slightly different muscle targetting. Exhale towards the top of this move 4. Lower the weights back down under control, inhaling as you do so and letting the arms completely relax and straighten so that the muscles you have just used get a temporary stretch before the next repetition WARNING: This exercise places some stress on the lower back so if you have lower back issues I would recommend starting with very light weights or not doing this exercise at all (depending on the level of injury) Don’t fear exercises but respect them…quality beats quantity every time!! Have fun and if you would like further advice on exercises or information on Personal Training and exercise circuits just contact me on [email protected] Andy

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