Don’t forget to check out our brand new website – Be it any condition, a healthy diet is a road to fast recovery. Watch this video for some quick and easy recipes to help you recover from Weak Immune System! —————————– Weak Immune System A strong immune system protects our body from attack of any germs or microorganisms, keeping us free of infections, diseases and illnesses. Dietary deficiencies can lead to a weakened immune system leaving us vulnerable to various health conditions. —————————– Causes: • Dietary deficiencies —————————– Food groups to consume for weak immune system: 1. Vitamin A: Strengthens body’s immunity Foods to consume: Oranges, papaya, tomatoes, watermelon, mangoes, carrots, beet root, bell peppers and capsicum 2. Vitamin C: Produces antibodies to fight elements Foods to consume: Kiwi fruit, Indian gooseberries, guava and , citrus fruits 3. Vitamin E: Neutralizes toxins in body Foods to consume: Almonds, walnuts, vegetable oils, whole grains and avocados 4. Zinc: Produces white blood cells to combat infections Foods to consume: Lamb, beef, pork & salmon, chicken, veal liver, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, lentils, nuts & oysters —————————– Recipes based on the above food groups: Recipe 1: Immunity boosting tonic 1. Cut & put 1 medium tomato in a blender 2. Add 1 chopped carrot to it 3. Also add 8-10 papaya pieces 4. Next, add slices of 1 orange. Make sure it’s de-seeded 5. Blend these all together 6. Strain the juice over a sieve 7. If required, you may add some black salt for taste 8. Serve chilled Recipe 2: Salad 1. Smoothly scoop ½ an avocado and slice it 2. Slice ½ capsicum, ½ tomato, ½ cucumber as well 3. Blanch 2 baby corns in boiling water for about 10 mins 4. Once done, slice the baby corns and mix all the ingredients together 5. If you eat chicken, you may add some boiled chicken to this salad 6. Sprinkle some wheat germ to increase the zinc content of the salad For the dressing 7. Take 2 tsp honey in a small bowl 8. Add 2 tsp lemon juice 9. Then add 1 tsp finely chopped mint leaves 10. Also add salt and pepper for taste 11. Mix this dressing with the vegetables 12. Toss it well & it’s ready to eat Have this whenever you feel hungry during the day —————————– Tips: • Avoid refined & processed foods • Drink 2-3 litres of water daily • Exercise regularly —————————– SUBSCRIBE TO HOMEVEDA NUTRITION: JOIN US ON FACEBOOK: FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: —————————– The above recipes have been developed in consultation with a nutritionist. However, these are not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of a trained health professional. All matters regarding your health require medical supervision. Consult your physician before adopting the suggestions in this video, as well as about any condition that may require diagnosis or medical attention. Refer to the terms of use on our website

Best Foods for Weak Immune System | Healthy Recipes
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- Post published:May 29, 2021
- Post category:Uncategorized
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