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Low Carb Diet Helped Lower Cholesterol

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Low carbohydrate diets can reduce weight while diets rich in vegetable protein and oils improve heart health. Combining both diets might also combine the benefits. I’m Shelby Cullinan for the dailyRx News Network. A recent study compared a low carb vegan diet with a high carb lacto-ovo vegeteratian diet for their effects on weight loss and heart health. People on the low carb vegan diet did not eat any animal products, dairy, or eggs. Those on the high carb lacto-ovo diet were allowed low fat or skim dairy and egg prodcuts. At the end of six months, more weight loss was seen in the low carb group as well as a significant decrease in LDL cholesterol compared to the high carb group. Ask your doctor how diet can help control cholesterol. To keep up to date with all the latest health news visit For the dailyRx News Network, I’m Shelby Cullinan.

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