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Top 10 Diabetes Symptoms in Women

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Reverse Type 2 Diabetes With These Ancient Tribal Secretes: Top 10 Type 2 Diabetes Symptoms in Women: Increased thirst and hunger Frequent urination Weight loss or gain that has no obvious cause Fatigue Blurred vision Wounds that heal slowly Nausea Skin infections Patches of darker skin in areas of the body that have creases Irritability Breath that has a sweet, fruity, or acetone odor Reduced feeling in your hands or feet Here are the top 10 signs of diabetes in women. Type 2 diabetes symptoms are very common in women than in men studied has shown. What is diabetes in the first place? Diabetes is the inability of the body to break down simple sugar into glucose for the body to absorb living the blood sugar very high. Although symptoms of diabetes vary, but the signs of diabetes listed above are common early signs of diabetes. Causes of diabetes relatively unknown, but research indicates that lifestyle, like smoking, alcohol intake, inorganic food etc can relatively lead to diabetes. There are majorly two types of diabetes, the type 1 diabetes and the type 1 diabetes also known as diabetes mellitus.

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