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Type 1 Diabetes is Insulin Glucagon Deficiency

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1 Type 1 Diabetes is Insulin Glucagon Deficiency Two explanations for rising blood sugar in diabetes 1. Medicine : Malfunction of blood glucose control 2. Alternative: Protects the brain. Starving organism embodies a law “By all means keep brain running!” All along starvation organs relinquish their resources to keep brain functioning. Catabolism saves brain. Diabetes mellitus is an ongoing effort to keep brain running. Diabetes therapy deprives brain from this privilege and it sinks into clinical hypoglycemia. Insulin and glucagon control each other. During acute hyperglycemia both are missing. Insulin and Glucagon are coupled . If either one is damaged (non functional) the entire system breaks down. Diabetes type 1 Is a viral infection of pancreatic islets and their hormones. 1. Is a viral infection of pancreatic islets. 2. Multi insular hormone deficiency 3. Symptoms and signs are processes that repair viral damage. Type1 diabetes progression: 1. Pre diabetes. Normoglycemia Compensated islet deficiency 2. Acute hypoglycemia 3. Honeymoon diabetes; Normoglycemia Compensated islet deficiency 4. Hyperglycemia;. Insulin is required only during acute infections. Otherwise the goal of therapy is: 1. Slow down diabetes progression 2. Boost host resistance 3. Strengthen the organism. 4. Ketogenic diet. Therapy will be described in another presentation. Current treatment of diabetes types 1 and 2 violates a biological law: By all means keep brain running! 1 * * * * * * + +

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