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What Are The Benefits & Side Effects Of Whey Protein | The scientific Truth | BeerBiceps Gym Tips

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Another HIGHLY requested video. How often do you meet someone who says something like, “I’ll eat as many eggs as possible and as much real food as possible, but NO PROTEIN SUPPLEMENTS. EVER.” Invariably, most people who work out longer than 6 months end up using protein powders. Every fit INDIAN who ever started gymming has always doubted the safety and legitimacy of bodybuilding supplements at some point. But ultimately, these opinions change over time. These same individuals use the internet and educate themselves. So all you Indians out there who gym regularly, I feel your pain. The hardest thing is to convince OTHERS of the safety and benefits of supplements. The general public – Parents, spouses and other people who have never seen a dumbell in their life, these people have HUGE misconceptions about these supplements. This is mainly because of the lack of correct fitness education amongst the majority of the Indian population. I’ve heard people come up to me and say things like “Protein shakes? More like shakes of poison.” Amongst the general population, the word “supplement” is mostly always associated with steroids. Indians tend to jump to conclusions and assume that simple protein shakes will have the same effect as steroids – Hair loss, kidney failure, impotency, etc. The list is endless. A list of endless and baseless myths. So this video is primarily for EVERY GYMMER out there. Go show it to the individuals who always tend to argue with you without backing their arguments with strong reasoning. Go show it to your mom, who flips out every time you need more protein. But above all, share this video with the general public. This country needs to know the truth. Its high time this country gets fit-educated. BeerBiceps – YouTube’s first India specific fitness and food channel Fitness, food and fitness-food. Like, comment, subscribe and share on facebook! Facebook: Instagram: @beerbiceps Twitter: @beerbiceps93 Zomato: @beerbiceps

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