Androgenic alopecia, this is a hereditary problem. It runs in families. If the father is bald, then the child will be bald. So the son’s also will be bald. So it need not be the father, it can be the grandfather. The grandfather can be from the maternal side or the paternal side and even maternal uncles also. Sometimes the maternal uncles also. Sometimes even grandfathers also won’t have, the fathers will have good hair, still the patient will come and say, ‘I am having hair loss and it will be baldness. So the maternal uncles also can have. So it is broad history we need to take and see who has it and if you have Androgenic alopecia, you have to see a dermatologist. See in a psychiatrist, it is not a psychological disorder. There are many psychological disorder where you can lose hair. But androgenic alopecia, it is not. It is baldness and it is hereditary.

Who is best to consult for Androgenic Alopecia? – Dr. Aruna Prasad
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- Post published:May 1, 2021
- Post category:Uncategorized
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