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5 Reasons for High Intensity Cardio!

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Here are the best reasons to do high intensity cardio, or HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), to burn the most calories, to burn stubborn belly and body fat, and to turn your body into a furious and advanced fat loss machine! Subscribe for new videos: Watch our “Top Reasons You’re Not Growing” video here: #5 – You’ll be able to workout more efficiently By doing cardio, you speed up your metabolism, which helps you remove waste products from all your weightlifting sessions. This lets your body build more muscle at a quicker rate. Being fit allows you to cut time in between your sets, which is going to let you get a better pump and burn more calories!! Being heart healthy is extremely important to building muscle, and intense cardio works out your heart like a champ!! #4 – Fat loss, duh!!! When you’re trying to bulk up, sometimes you just gotta go for that double cheeseburger with fries, and I get that!! But that’s obviously not good for your mid-section, and performing cardio is going to help to reduce the amount of fat mass you add while you are eating a hypercalorie diet that is essential to gaining muscle. If you’re just trying to lose fat, obviously do like, 50 sets of stop shoving food in your mouth and do your cardio!! #3 – Cardio keeps you happy!! Nah man I’m serious!! I hate cardio as much as anyone else, but after a good basketball game or bike ride, I always feel good. And there’s research to back this up!! Much research has been shown that cardiovascular exercise of any kind improves mood and reduces depression symptoms. The endorphin rush, or runner’s high pretty much, that’s produced during block sensations of pain and promote a feeling of euphoria and reduce feelings of stress in the body. Take that to the bannnnnnnnnk!! #2 – It keeps your heart healthy I think a lot of people forget one of the main reasons why we work out: it’s to FEEL better as well as looking good!! You want to live for as long as possible while feeling as good as possible, and a healthy heart is a way to do that. You’ve gotta make sure your heart is working. By doing high intensity cardio you’ll make your body much more efficient at transporting blood and nutrients around the body, increase your body’s use of oxygen (VO2 max), and keep your blood pressure and resting heart rate in check!! Who doesn’t want all that?! #1 – It may actually make you bigger!! Wait what!! High intensity cardio while I’m trying to make gainzzzz will make me bigger?!! One word: Sprinters. What do sprinters look like? Just a quick check on some visual evidence. Sprinters are always muscular and ripped, unlike marathon runners. Why is that though? Research shows that sprinting actually INCREASES size!! What!! Sprinting can actually be anabolic and get you shredded at the same time?! There’s a recent study from 2013 that suggest this, but to be honest, I’m waiting on more research. However, one thing is clear from much research: High-intensity sprinting leads to greater fat loss than low-intensity, while also maintaining and possibly increasing muscle mass. Aight, time to go run some sprints for gainzzzzzz!! Click here for my video on best exercises to get strong!! Be sure to subscribe to my channel for the TRUTH on health and fitness!!

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