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Does high level of ESR,low Hb & mantoux test showing erthyema indicate TB – Dr. Sanjay Gupta

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The diagnosis of tuberculosis as got a very wide spectrum right from the time you have a very easy way to find out whether the sputum brought by the person has got an acid fast bacilli which can be diagnosed very easily or a chest x ray which is showing signs of tuberculosis. But once the disease is very atypical, it is very difficult to make a very strong diagnosis of tuberculosis even though it is rampant, it is common, it affects most of the parts of the body so there are many tests done which the doctors like to interpret and come close to the diagnosis. Some of these tests are CBC, ESR, Mantoux test, chest xray, hemoglobin dropping which also seems like a chronic disease. With all these tests unless and until you have a background what kind of patient you are dealing, whether this immune is compromised or not, whether his nutrition is down or not, whether the patient has got a proper exposure to tuberculosis, whether the patient is vaccinated prior or not, what are the coexisting diseases in the body when you are trying to diagnose tuberculosis in the body. This interpretation of the reports along with the clinical condition of the patients becomes extremely important. So I would say that there are probabilities of diagnosing tuberculosis by looking at the reports which are mentioned in the question like ESR or Mantoux or induration, within 24 to 72 hours. But these are only indicative tests. These bring you only closer to the diagnosis but an equally important part is clinical interpretation.

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