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Foods that should be avoided during Breastfeeding | Babygogo

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Noticed your baby feeling fussy? Suspect the cabbage you had for dinner last night? You must have wondered what to eat and what to avoid while you are breastfeeding. Rest assured you can include all foods in your breastfeeding diet that you used to have earlier. However there are two breastfeeding tips for the food you need to keep in mind: First: Some foods can affect your baby if taken in excess Second: Your baby can get fussy, because of what you ate. So, if the last two times you had cabbage, and your baby had gas issues both the times, then it’s better to avoid cabbage. Here are some other food items to exclude from your breastfeeding diet: #Caffeine and breastfeeding – One or two cups in a day is fine for breastfeeding moms. Anything more than that is not recommended – Coffee and breastfeeding is not recommended as Caffeine present in coffee intermingles with the breast milk and hinder baby’s sleep. #Breastfeeding and Alcohol – Drinking and breastfeeding is never a good idea. – Avoid alcohol while you breastfeed your baby as it can get into your breast milk. – However, if you plan on having some, wait for at least 2 hours before you breastfeed. Or a better option is, to have a drink after you breastfeed. #Soy, eggs and peanut – While these foods are generally safe to be included in diet for breastfeeding mothers, your baby might develop allergies to them. – You need to be careful when you include them in your breastfeeding diet, as babies can show disturbed digestion, sometimes rashes too. #Cruciferous vegetables – Cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower, can cause gas issues and make babies uncomfortable. If your baby also reacts in the similar manner, you should avoid them. #Citrus fruits – Most moms can have citrus fruits without any problems while breastfeeding – However some moms have observed their babies feeling a bit uncomfortable. Observe your baby and if she seems to be fine then keep enjoying those juicy fruits. These were some of the food items you should avoid while breastfeeding your baby. If you are concerned about your milk supply here’s a diet you should follow – Subscribe to babygogo for more baby care related videos. **************************************** Connect with us 🙂 Website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Pinterest: ****************************************

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