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How to Do One-Arm Dumbbell Row — Form, Muscles Worked, Benefits

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How to Do Dumbbell Rows The dumbbell row is one the most popular back training exercises for both beginners and experienced lifters. This foundational unilateral pulling exercise holds a multitude of benefits. DUMBBELL ROW BENEFITS 1. Improve back hypertrophy and strength. 2. Great for balancing potential back asymmetries. 3. Easy to perform anytime and anywhere. 4. Awesome movement for every fitness level. Often times, beginners will perform the dumbbell row incorrectly due to a lack of understanding around the concept of contracting the lats. Typically, you’ll see newer lifters pull their elbow straight up to the ceiling, which is an inefficient way to perform this exercise when pulling strength and back hypertrophy are the goals. DUMBBELL ROW FORM REMINDERS When it comes to performing perfect dumbbell rows, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, no matter the method you choose to perform them with, ensure the hips are relatively level and the back has a strong, set position. This will help prevent torso rotation to assist in the rowing movement. Second, initiate the row with the lat, similar to how you would start a lawnmower. Set the back, then row down and back, as opposed to only pulling the elbow upwards towards the ceiling. Third, control the eccentric and don’t be afraid to allow the lat to stretch a bit at the bottom to increase the range of motion, time under tension, and stretch on the lat musculature. Remember, a greater stretch can be useful for muscle development! So is there a best way to perform the dumbbell row? Not necessarily. What is most important is that you choose a variation that will assist your program goals and needs.

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