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Medical Doctor Explains Whey Protein Supplements

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Whey protein is the most essential ingredient in building lean muscle tissue, especially during the post-workout period when muscle cells are most vulnerable and “hungry” When the body is exposed to physical stress, such as exercise, whey protein optimizes muscle repair by speeding the time it takes to regenerate muscle tissue, mainly by increasing the antioxidant glutathione. Whey protein is a mixture of globular proteins isolated from whey, the liquid material created as a by-product of cheese production Most proteins on the market are comprised mainly of whey protein concentrate Whey concentrate is the least processed form and cheapest to manufacture, and it contains some fat and lactose. Whey concentrates range from 25-80% protein by weight, depending on quality. Whey Isolate is the highest quality whey protein available on the market and is the protein of choice labeled for bariatric, diabetic and geriatric use. Research shows that whey isolate can augment the growth response to weight-training sessions, reduce body fat and recovery time, and reduce muscle soreness. Whey isolate has the highest amount of BCAAs per serving among the different types of protein. Among all the forms of protein, casein has the lowest amount of BCAAs. Whey protein isolate contains the highest level of leucine, which promotes the synthesis of muscle protein and muscle growth. Leucine also promotes the loss of fat tissue because of the energy the body needs to process leucine. When compared with soy protein isolate, whey protein isolate has 50 percent more leucine. Post- Edge™ is the only all-in-one post workout formula that utilizes Cold Processed Cross-Flow Ultra-Microfiltered Whey Protein Isolate, which has the highest amount of BCAAs, is most rapidly absorbed and increases protein synthesis greater than any other protein. Research has show that Whey Isolate simultaneously increases amino acid availability and insulin to your muscles (working synergistically with Post-Edge’s Insulin Activation Anabolic Matrix) thereby maximally stimulating muscle protein synthesis and inhibiting muscle protein breakdown. Microfiltration is a process to filter out fat, lactose, ash, and larger protein molecules that are more difficult to absorb. These are present in whey concentrates, casein and other lower quality whey protein powders. Post-Edge’s whey protein is micro-filtered through cold process, not ion exchange. The ion exchange process selectively depletes many of protein’s subfractions, thereby reducing the overall health value of the protein. A better processing method uses low temperatures and low acid conditions to maintain the natural undenatured bioavailable state of the protein. Whey protein isolate is the easiest powder to mix without causing lumps in your shaker. Whey protein has an anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory effect, supporting immune function. It has also been found to have anti-cancer properties in studies using rats. “Multi-Phase Protein Blends” are a marketing tactic where supplement companies include minimal amounts of quality protein and load it with cheap protein concentrates or junk fillers to cut costs and increase profit margins. For example, you could purchase a fancy sounding “30g Multi-Phase Protein Complex.” This means that 29g of this product could be loaded with cheap, low-grade protein concentrates/ junk fillers and only 1g is Whey Isolate. Be sure to check the nutrition label to see if the exact grams are listed! If they are not included, it is safe to assume that the amount of whey protein isolate used is minimal. Otherwise, the companies would be proud to list the actual dosages. This is a great marketing strategy for these supplement companies since they kill two birds with one stone. By labeling it a “complete multi-phase protein blend” product, they will attract more consumers. By using minimal amounts of quality protein, they cut costs drastically. The Net Result: more sales, less costs. These companies have had their day since consumers are now catching on. DO NOT FALL for this trick! Some supplement companies incorporate another dirty trick called “nitrogen spiking”, an additional way for companies to cut costs by adding cheaper amino acids like glycine and taurine to increase the overall nitrogen/protein content. The only added amino acid included in Post-Edge™ is leucine – the most potent activator of mTOR – which spikes protein synthesis, insulin, IGF-1 & IGF-2, in turn increasing growth hormone (GH) receptor stimulation for muscle growth as well as absorption of glucose, amino acids and creatine into muscle cells (which are depleted during workouts). LionEdge Nutrition™ does not hide behind its label. Every serving of Post-Edge™ includes 25g of protein and all 25g come directly from whey isolate!

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