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Stress, hormones and weight gain connection

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Stress, hormones and weight gain connection. There is an important connection between stress, hormones and weight gain, which manifests itself in many forms. Besides eating the wrong kinds of food and lack of exercise, being permanently stressed will disrupt our hormone balance. Our bodies produce many different hormones to keep it in balance. However, physical stress is as important to address as emotional stress. When for example we take in a stimulant such as coffee or a cigarette (physical stressors), or react stressfully to a situation (emotional stress), the body produces the cortisol hormone in the adrenal glands which are located on top of the kidneys. Cortisol is often called the “stress hormone” due to the fact that it is being released in situations when we are under any sort of pressure or in a flight or fight mode. High cortisol levels contribute, among other symptoms to weight gain. In women, cortisol competes for receptor sites with an important female hormone, progesterone. So the net effect of being permanently in a stressed or stimulated state is less active progesterone. Since cortisol also increases the production of estrogen, prolonged stress can contribute to estrogen dominance. A situation where estrogen is the dominant hormone because there is not enough progesterone to complement it, may result in a variety of symptoms, including weight gain. Stress also upsets the balance of the male hormone, testosterone, which is made in the adrenal glands in men as well as women. In women, excess testosterone production can lead, among other symptoms to subsequent weight gain. On the other hand, research shows that in men, low testosterone levels will make them gain weight . Hormone imbalances brought on by the wrong kind of diet, unhealthy lifestyle and exposure to hormone-disrupting chemicals, can lead to either an androgen (masculinising hormone) dominance or estrogen dominance. Excessive androgen levels are linked to fat gain in upper body and waist, while excessive estrogen levels are associated with lower body fat gain. Thus, apple-shaped people are more likely to be androgen dominant while pear-shaped people are more likely to be estrogen dominant. Either way, too much stress, sugar and stimulants are most definitely going to contribute to unwanted weight gain. Useful resources: What Are the Symptoms of High vs. Low Cortisol? Dr. Berg Why It’s Hard to Turn Stress (Cortisol) Off How stress affects your body – Sharon Horesh Bergquist The DUTCH test Understand the Difference Between Physical and Emotional Stress Difference Between Emotional and Mental Health How to Balance Hormones Naturally in Women and Men – Top 5 Best Foods High Testosterone in Women & Weight Gain Hormone imbalance has a profound effect on your weight Battle of the Bulge: Low T and Weight Management Keto and Adrenal Fatigue How to Reverse and Prevent Adrenal Fatigue Can Stress Cause Weight Gain? Why We Gain Weight When We’re Stressed Stress And Weight Gain – Are The Two Connected? How do I control stress-induced weight gain? Eat to Live: The Amazing Nutrient-Rich Program for Fast and Sustained Weight Loss The Feelings Book (Revised): The Care and Keeping of Your Emotions How to Get Your Weight Gain Hormones Under Control 5 Signs You Suffer from High Testosterone Images licensed under CC from pixabay and freedigitalphotos

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