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Testosterone & Androgenic Effects Video – 27

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Do you have low testosterone? Do you want to quickly reverse it? ? ? Original Video: Why Increasing testosterone can be BAD for you: ? The comment can be seen here: =============================================== ?‍♂️ How To Increase DHT For Muscle & Beard Growth =============================================== Welcome to my QA video series. Here I answer questions that are posted in the comments section in my videos. Today’s question is from a previous video I made entitled, “Why Increasing Testosterone Can Be BAD For You, Unless You Do THIS!”. I’ll give you the link to watch the original video in a minute. So question that was posted is: “how can I increase my DHT for more muscle gains and beard growth?” Just a quick summary, DHT stands for DiHydroTestosterone. It’s produced from testosterone, through an enzyme called 5-Alpha Reductase. So the more 5a-Reductase enzyme you have, the more of your testosterone gets converted to DHT – which is also a male androgen. Both men and women have it, but men have it in higher amounts. However, DHT does NOT produce very much muscle size at all. The primary androgen/male hormone on skeletal muscle is testosterone, not DHT… And this is because DHT gets quickly deactivated at the muscle receptor by another enzyme called 3aHSD (3alpha-hydroxysteroid reductase)1-3 So, increasing your DHT will do nothing for increasing muscle size. It will increase strength because it stimulates your Central Nervous System (CNS) and also increases aggression. It will also make your muscles “harder” because it lowers estrogen levels.1-3 However, what DHT will do is increase body hair growth — including facial hair and beard. But keep in mind that it will also accelerate hair loss if that’s part of your genetics. But if you still want to increase your DHT, you’ll need to ultimately increase your testosterone because the more testosterone you have, the more there is to “convert” to DHT. The rest is controlled by your genetics. Also, aging increases your 5a-reductase enzyme and thus, the older you get the higher your DHT levels. But unfortunately, the lower your testosterone. It can get a little complex, but I have great video about this topic that I want you to watch. You’ll discover IF you have low-testosterone and how you can increase it naturally. Just click the link below in the description area. You can also watch the original video about today’s question, “why increasing testosterone can be bad for you, unless you do this ONE thing”. This link is also found below, in the description area. ======================================== ========================================­ Thank you for watching. Please feel free to comment, like or share with your friends. Subscribe to Dr.Sam Robbins’s official Youtube channel Like us on Facebook ====================================================== Thanks DrSamRobbins

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