Infertility affects approximately 10-15% of couples throughout the United States. But what is it? Many people talk about infertility, but what is it? Infertility is defined by the World Health Organization as a disease of the reproductive system when there is failure to achieve a pregnancy after 12 months or more of regular unprotected sexual intercourse. This disease impairs one of the body’s most basic functions: the ability to get pregnant. Getting pregnant is a complicated process that depends on many factors: on the production of healthy sperm by the man and healthy eggs by the woman; open fallopian tubes that allow the sperm to reach the egg; the sperm’s ability to fertilize the egg when they meet. The ability of the fertilized egg (embryo) to become implanted in the woman’s uterus and good embryo quality. For the pregnancy to continue to full term, the embryo must be healthy and the woman’s hormonal environment adequate for its development. When just one of these factors is impaired, infertility can result. The duration of failure to conceive should be twelve or more months before an investigation is undertaken unless medical history and physical findings dictate earlier evaluation and treatment. Most infertility cases — 85 to 90 percent — are treated with conventional therapies, such as drug treatment or surgical repair of reproductive organs. Infertility is usually diagnosed when individuals or couples have been attempting to conceive for one year without success. There are many treatment options for both men and women. While sophisticated new technologies can help almost everyone who wants to have a baby, many people suffering from infertility can be helped by simple and inexpensive treatments. If you have been trying to get pregnant for more than a year, contact your doctor or a fertility specialist. To learn more about infertility watch and subscribe. If you find the videos helpful or have questions like and comment below Engage with us on social media Facebook Twitter Linkedin To find a fertility doctor or clinic visit

What is Infertility
- Post author:admin
- Post published:October 15, 2021
- Post category:Uncategorized
- Post comments:0 Comments
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