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♥ 3 Best Exercises For Increasing Blood Flow & Circulation To Your Legs – by Dr Sam Robbins

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How I quickly improved my dad’s blood flow and circulation in only 30 days – NO drugs or diets: ►► =============================================== Dr. Sam’s 2 Minutes To Better Health – 3 Best Exercises For Increasing Blood Flow & Circulation To Your Legs =============================================== This is important for anyone who has · leg pains or cramping · varicose or “spider” veins (or prevention) · numbing and tingling in your feet This is also very important because poor blood flow and circulation is one of the primary causes of a heart attack or stroke. This is because it can lead to Hypertension and high blood pressure Hardening and narrowing of your arteries Higher cholesterol and plaque build up Blood clots in your veins 3 Best Exercises WALKING I think walking is one of the best exercises you can do and almost anyone can do it, anywhere, any time of the day and it doesn’t cost you anything. Ideally you would walk outside in fresh air if possible. Any time of the day is fine. To start, all you need is about 15 minutes, 3x weekly. Ideally you would work up to daily walks of about 30 minutes. And if you have pain or trouble walking, even 3 minutes is a good start. Try your best to walk just a little bit more every single day. REBOUNDER A rebounder is basically a mini trampoline. I like this because it is very low impact and super easy on your joints. It also helps clean your lymph nodes, which helps prevent many cancers and illnesses. Just like walking, all you need is about 15 minutes, 3x weekly… Eventually you can work up to 20-30 minutes daily. By the way, you’re not trying to jump high on it and try to touch the ceiling. You only need to go up a few inches, a light up and down motion Just enough for your toes to be off the rebounder. Body Weight Squats This last exercise is great for building and strengthening your entire lower body … From your ankles to your leg muscles and all the way to your lower back and stomach. You can simply use your own bodyweight and do sets of about 15-25 or more repetitions. Of course, if you’re first starting out, simply doing even 2-3 comfortable repetitions is a great start. Go down as far you’re comfortable and without pain. Over time, as you get stronger and more flexible, you can do more repetitions and go deeper. You should work up to 3-4 sets, of 15 or more repetitions, 3x weekly. And if you don’t have good coordination, simply hold onto a wall or something sturdy as you squat down. Click here: ► ========================================­========================================­ Thank you for watching. Please feel free to comment, like or share with your friends. Subscribe to Dr.Sam Robbins’s official Youtube channel Like us on Facebook Visit Dr.Sam Robbins’s blog for more information on your health! ====================================================== Thanks DrSamRobbins

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