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Alternate HEEL TOUCHES For Women | How To

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Alternate HEEL TOUCHES For Women to get Abs. This workout improves the abs and the obliques. It is a fairly easy exercise to perform. Anyone who wants to tone up their abs can do this exercise. It is meant for both men and for women. The exercise mainly works on the obliques, which are used to help in the rotation of the torso. It also helps the entire abdominal region to become stronger. # Some of the steps to perform the alternate heel touches are as follows: Lie down on your back on the floor. Keep your knees bent. Place your feet flat and widen them apart, a little more than the width of your shoulders. Extend the arms downwards by the side of your body. Keep your palms facing inwards. Breathe out and crunch your abs in the forward right direction. Then try and hold your right ankle with the right extended arm. Hold this position till the count of one. Next, while breathing in, leave the right ankle, which you were holding with your right arm and gradually come back to the starting position. Repeat the same method for the left side. One repetition is complete, when you have completed both the sides. Repeat this exercise, all over again. Once you feel tired, stop for a while. Then start again. Repeated practice of this exercise should be done carefully and gradually, by following the above guidelines. It can be even done under the guidance of a trainer, if you are a beginner. So go ahead and do try out this most affective workout! Subscribe @ Facebook @

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