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Overweight & Obesity Video – 14

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The difference between obesity and being overweight comes down to Body Mass Index (BMI). A BMI of 30 or higher is considered obese. Overweight is defined by a BMI of 25-29.9. … BMI is used because, for most people, it correlates with their amount of body fat.What is the difference between someone who is just overweight vs. an obese person? At what point is someone classified as obese?Doctors usually define “overweight” as a condition in which a person’s weight is 10%-20% higher than “normal,” as defined by a standard height/weight chart, or as a body mass index (BMI) of 25 to 30. … “Morbid obesity” means a person is either 50%-100% over normal …Generally a person with a BMI of 25-29.9 is considered to be overweight, while persons with a BMI greater than 30 are considered to be obese. These numbers are not a direct measure of body fat, but rather a correlation of body fat to body mass/height.But, and here’s the big but, no pun intended, I do also understand that there is a serious difference between being 20 pounds overweight and …The difference between “overweight” and “obese”. For adults, overweight and obesity ranges are determined by using weight and height to calculate a number …The terms ‘overweight’ and ‘obesity’ refer to the abnormal or excessive accumulation of fat which may impair health (2). Here are a few common methods which … On a worldwide scale, over one billion adults are overweight and about three hundred million of these people can be classified as obese.“Obesity” and “overweight” are terms that come from how we’ve, as a society, chosen to use a calculation created by Lambert Adolphe Jacques Quetelet, …

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