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Download the Fitness my way app for free Sets and repetitions are very different for different results. Find out what sets and reps range match your desired goal. You may also like: Workout Routine, Heart Rate, Water I wanted to talk to you a little bit today about sets and repetitions. One of the repeated questions I always get, is people asking how many sets and reps should I be doing? My answer is always the same, it depends on what your goals are. Did you know you will get different results with different sets and reps? I’m going to cover: – Sets and reps for specific goals – how much weight to lift – and how to figure out what maximum lifting capability. People training for fat loss, which most of us are, need to be lifting 50-68% of their maximum lifting ability. Focus on lifting somewhere between 12 and 20 reps and about 2 to 3 sets of each exercise with about a 30 second test between each set. The reason for this is we have to continuously work those muscles, and create muscle endurance. This will keep the heart rate up all the way through the set. Even though the weight is a little bit lighter because we’re doing so many repetitions, it still needs to be very hard. Let’s look at a 20 repetition day. At number 16 or 17 if it’s still not hard, then the weight is too light. That goes for all weight lifting no matter how many sets or reps. For building muscle we would want to lift 68-78% of our maximum lift. This means focusing on 8 to 12 repetitions and about 3 to 6 sets, with a 30sec- 1 1/2 minute break between sets would be correct. The reason for this is because we need to place a lot of stress on the muscle so it will actually make microscopic tears in the muscle fibers. Keep in mind we would need to lift heavier because of the lower repetitions. Let’s look at a 12 rep day. By the time we hit 9 or 10 repetitions, it better be really hard. For building strength we would want to lift from 83-91% of our max lift. Focusing on 3 to 6 repetitions with 4 to 6 sets with a 2-5 minute rest between sets. Strength doesn’t necessarily mean bulk. You will probably get a little bigger, though when you lift weights at such a maximum loads. The muscle fiber will actually get dense and tight, that’s how strength is created. Also those abs of steel lol For power lifting, which is very advanced (and I can’t stress that enough) The sets and reps are the same as strength but the goal repetitions are 1-2 which is 93-100% of maximum. I know all the percentages are confusing. Most of us have no idea what our max lift would actually be, so I’m going to give you a 1 rep max chart for a starting point. You can pause the video or take a screenshot of this (chart in video) basically how it works is first we need to figure out what our 1 rep max is. I definitely don’t suggest trying to do that so we can try this instead. Whatever exercise that’s being performed, just choose a weight and do as many repetitions with good form as possible. Then you find it on this chart. For example: if I did 10 shoulder presses with 40 pounds, then on a different day If wanted to do the same shoulder presses but only with 8 repetitions instead of 10, then I should be able to lift 43 pounds 8 times. The weight gets heavier because I’m doing less repetitions. The reason why this even matters is because like I said before. We always want to do a maximum load for that set. No matter how many repetitions were doing. We also don’t want to do the same sets and reps every single day because you will plateau, but that’s for a different conversation. Look for my video titled Plateau. You also may be interested in Workout Routines I hope this helped explain the sets and reps situation, maybe you can reach your goals a little faster I hope you share this video so others can use this lifting chart or just understand more about their sets and reps. Until next time, keep lifting. Never, under any circumstance, should any tip or advice be construed as expert advice. Michelle Pinneo is not a dietitian or physician of any kind. The content contained in these materials and on this website or fitness my way application are designed for educational purposes only and not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. You should always seek expert professional advice in nutritional and health matters, and should not rely on any opinions expressed through the Fitness my way application as expert opinions or advice.

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